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May 2020 PMI-MC Monthly Chapter Meeting
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Member price: $0.00 (Virtual Webinar Only due to State of Maryland Covid-19 Guidance)
Presenter: Ms. Sylvia Henderson, MBA
Presenter Bio:
Sylvia Henderson co-founded and is CEO of MindTeam Solutions Inc., an organizational development company that helps leaders leverage communications and relationships to drive success. She is passionate about leadership development and getting people’s ideas out of their own heads and into action for profit and purpose.
Ms. Hendersons’ professional background includes a U of Pittsburgh MBA; leadership & management experience at IBM and America Online/AOL; board presidency of two associations; service as a Vistage Chair; and founder and CEO of Springboard Training. She speaks and writes on ideation, strategy, and implementation through the power of the ‘Third Mind’ the mastermind concept popularized by Napoleon Hill in his seminal book “Think and Grow Rich”. Sylvia is recognized as a Maryland Top100 Woman by The Maryland Record.
An author of multiple business books, her most-recently published international best-seller, co-authored with her business partner and friend Josh Silverstone, is titled “Internal Masterminds: How Smart Talent Leaders Create Engagement and Pivot Organizational Culture” (available at InternalMasterminds.com and on Amazon). She has a Montgomery County (MD) cable TV show; volunteers as a Girl Scout leadership trainer; is a graduate of Leadership Montgomery; and is active in Toastmasters and the National Speakers Association.
In her “spare time” she rides motorcycles and rollercoasters to de-stress; watches everything Star Trek; and enjoys quality time with friends and her life partner in Olney, MD.
Her full education, professional history, and interests stay up-to-date at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sylviahenderson/.
Presentation Abstract:
Ms. Henderson has integrated the desire for connection with the power of the “third mind” to create her concept and program of ‘Idea MindTeams™’. Idea MindTeams cause talent development, coaching and consulting guidance to “stick”, provide opportunities for practicing leadership development, and contribute to organizational cultures that value ideas and engagement.
Join Ms. Henderson as she breaks down the components of Masterminds and frames how the concept may be familiar structures to entrepreneurs and business owners, yet surprisingly new territory in organizations. As Project Leaders regardless of your standing in an organization, you have the opportunity and influence to add to your organization’s culture, knowledge base, skill set and morale. Ms. Henderson will provide a perspective changing interactive webinar that you will be able to take back to your workforce and immediately begin to experiment with.
Learning Objectives
Coming soon
Location: Virtual (Uber Conference Link: Sent out Morning of Meeting – Wed 6 May 2020)
Chapter Business Remarks @ 7:30pm
Ms. Henderson’s Presentation – 7:45pm