February 2022 PMI-MC Monthly Chapter Event

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PMI-Montgomery County MD Chapter February 2022 Monthly Evening Event
Wednesday,  February 2nd 2022  *Groundhog Day*
In-Person Member Dinner Price: $10.00
In-Person  Non-Member Dinner Price: $40.00
Virtual Member  / Non Member Price: $0.00
Topic: Creating Enduring Connections … Communicate, Cooperate, Connect!
Presenter: Mr. Arnold Sanow (MBA, CSP)
Presenter Bio: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP, works with Leaders and Teams to help them Get Along better with team members, customers, and stakeholders, by improving their communication, interpersonal relationships, people skills, emotional intelligence, and presentation skills. Arnold has delivered over 2,500 keynotes and professional development programs to companies, associations, and governmental agencies worldwide. Successful Meetings Magazine has named him one of the top 5 best “Bang for your Buck” speakers in the USA, and his peers rated him as one of the top 5 global gurus in communication.
He is the author of 7 books including: ‘Get Along with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime’, ‘Present with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz’ and the recent #1 best-seller ‘Leadership in Trying Times’.
Presentation Abstract: Theodore Roosevelt stated “The single most important ingredient in the formula for success both personally and professionally is knowing how to get along and connect with others.

No matter how well people get along, even a slight improvement in communication, understanding others, and people skills can significantly enhance productivity, effectiveness, team cohesiveness, client relationships and contribute to a positive environment.
Good interpersonal skills and building positive connections with colleagues and customers are the foundation for everything we do. According to a study by Harvard and Stanford University, only 15% of your success in regards to building trust, retaining and engaging team members, ensuring cooperation and collaboration, getting more done, and creating a more positive, productive, and profitable workplace and customer care culture will be due to your technical skills and 85% will depend on your communication, emotional intelligence, people skills and your ability to get along.
Creating enduring connections with others is a life-long endeavor. Good relationships are vital to our well-being and make a big difference in our effectiveness with customers, co-workers, family, and friends. You will walk away with tips, tools, and solutions to build rapport, relationships, communicate, connect and get along with anyone, anytime, anywhere.
  How to SOFTEN your image (body language) to make yourself more
approachable, likable, and trustworthy
 Familiarize yourself with communication crushers that derail relationships
 Learn and discuss words and language that destroy connections
 The #1 way to immediately boost your likability quotient
 The power of appreciation
 The Dos and Don’t’s of empathy
 Six ways to get everyone singing your praises

Normandie Farm Restaurant,  Falls Rd, Potomac MD

Simulcast delivered via Zoom


Social Hour/Registration Opens @ 5:45pm

Dinner Service Begins No Earlier Than @ 6:30pm

Zoom Room Opens @ 7:15pm

Chapter Business Remarks No Earlier Than @ 7:30pm

Ms. Sanow’s Presentation w/ Q&A to follow – 7:40pm

Program concludes No Later Than @ 9:00pm
NOTICE: The webinar will be recorded and available for viewing and PDU Self-Reporting. For those attending, PDUs will be reported on behalf of valid chapter members within a week of the event
MENU – $10 for Dine-In Guests
1 – Roasted Boneless Breast of Chicken w/ Wild Mushroom Madeira Sauce
2 – Vegetable Lasagna with Portobello Mushrooms and topped w/ Marinara Sauce
3 –  Grilled Filet of Atlantic Salmon, Sauce Bearnaise
4 – Special Request (Vegan, Vegetarian, etc.)
Dinner also includes:
Hot and Fresh Popovers
Cream of Potato & Leek Soup
Baked Potato (Butter & Sour Cream) and Roasted Green Beans (For Entrees 1 & 3)
Hot Lava Brownie with Pistachio Gelato for dessert
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