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May 2024 PMI-MC Monthly Chapter Dinner Event Virtual Simulcast
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With the PMI Global’s Pulse of the Profession report hot off the presses released to the public on the Future of Project Work, Join us as Mr. Lowy walks through the 42 page report’s key findings and summarizes the PMI vision for the future. Mr. Lowy will then walk through some case studies of how the recommendations would impact the daily scope of the Project Management profession.
Presenter Bio:
With 20+ years of experience in Government IT serving the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security and the Environmental Protection Agency, Mr. Lowy has gained many perspectives on how project management has progressed thus far in the 21st century. Mr. Lowy has climbed the ranks of Project Management in the IT sector since 2001 when he was on Active Duty in the Marine Corps. With his current journey of serving as a Portfolio Manager for the Air Force’s Digital Transformation, Mr. Lowy’s venture into modernized platforms and modernized and Disciplined agile practices has been a great transition point for his career of which he has continues his lifelong learning commitment adding to his three degrees and eight active industry certifications.
Mr. Lowy has served the PMI Montgomery County Chapter by various Board Officer positions since 2015 and has stayed on the cusp of PMI’s innovations and strategic progress as they continue through this industry digital transformation.
That’s Amore Restaurant, 15201 Shady Grove Rd #1, Rockville, MD 20850 (Downstairs Banquet Entrance)
Simulcast delivered via Zoom; At Present’s Request, there will not be the normal On-Demand access of the Presentation on the Chapter YouTube Channel
Zoom Room Opens @ 7:15pm
Chapter Business Remarks No Earlier Than @ 7:30pm
Mr. Lowy’s Presentation w/ Q&A to follow – NLT 7:40pm
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